home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #! /usr/bin/perl
- ###############################################################################
- #
- # Update-MIME: Install programs into "/etc/mailcap", resolve conflicts,
- # auto-uninstall, make dinner, and wash dishes.
- #
- # Written by Brian White <bcwhite@pobox.com>.
- #
- # This program has been placed in the public domain (the only true "free").
- # Do whatever you wish with it, though I'd appreciate it if my name stayed
- # on it as the original author.
- #
- ###############################################################################
- umask(022);
- #
- # Program Constants
- #
- $debug = 0;
- $conffile = "/etc/update-mime.conf";
- $mailcap = "/etc/mailcap";
- $mailcapdef = "/usr/lib/mime/mailcap";
- $mimedir = "/usr/lib/mime/packages";
- $orderfile = "/etc/mailcap.order";
- $defpriority= 5;
- #
- # Allow local customizations
- #
- do $conffile if -f $conffile;
- #
- # Global Variables
- #
- %entries;
- %packages;
- %priorities;
- @order;
- sub ReadEntries
- {
- my($pkg,$priority,$counter);
- $counter=1;
- # foreach $file (glob "$mimedir/*") {
- foreach $file (map { glob $_.'/*' } split ':',$mimedir) {
- next if ($file =~ m!(^|/)(\.|\#)|(\~)$!);
- ($pkg) = ($file =~ m|/([^/]*)$|);
- print STDERR "$pkg:\n" if $debug;
- if (!defined $packages{$pkg}) {
- $packages{$pkg} = [];
- }
- if (open(FILE,"<$file")) {
- while (<FILE>) {
- chomp;
- next if m/^\s*$|^\s*\#/;
- if (m/priority\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*($|;)/i) {
- $priority=$1;
- } else {
- $priority=$defpriority;
- }
- if ($priority < 0 || $priority > 9) {
- print STDERR "Error: priority of $priority is out of range (0 <= pri <= 9)\n";
- print STDERR " $_\n";
- $priority=$defpriority;
- }
- s/([^\s;]\s+)(?![\'\"])([^\s;]*)%s([^\s;]*)/$1'$2%s$3'/g;
- $entries{$counter} = $_;
- push @{$packages{$pkg}},$counter;
- push @{$priorities{$priority}},$counter;
- print STDERR "$counter: $_\n" if $debug;
- $counter++;
- }
- close(FILE);
- } else {
- print STDERR "Warning: could not open file '$file' -- $!\n";
- }
- }
- }
- sub ReadOrder
- {
- if (-e $orderfile) {
- if (open(FILE,"<$orderfile")) {
- while (<FILE>) {
- chomp;
- s/\s*\#.*$//;
- next if m/^\s*$/;
- push @order,$_;
- }
- close(FILE);
- } else {
- print STDERR "Warning: could not open file '$orderfile' -- $!\n";
- }
- }
- }
- sub OrderEntries
- {
- my(@entrylist,@orderlist,@templist,$priority,$entrycode,$ordercode);
- foreach $priority (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %priorities) {
- print STDERR " - Priority $priority:" if $debug;
- @templist = @{$priorities{$priority}};
- @templist = sort {
- $ae = $entries{$a};
- $ac = 0;
- $ac += 1 if $ae =~ m!^\S+/\*!;
- $ac += 2 if $ae =~ m!^\*/!;
- $be = $entries{$b};
- $bc = 0;
- $bc += 1 if $be =~ m!^\S+/\*!;
- $bc += 2 if $be =~ m!^\*/!;
- $ac <=> $bc;
- } @templist;
- foreach $entry (@templist) {
- print STDERR " $entry" if $debug;
- push @entrylist,$entry;
- }
- print STDERR "\n" if $debug;
- }
- print STDERR "entrylist: @entrylist\n" if $debug;
- foreach $ordercode (@order) {
- my($pkg,$typ);
- if ($ordercode =~ m/:/) {
- ($pkg,$typ) = ($ordercode =~ m/^(.*):(\S*)/);
- } else {
- $pkg = $ordercode;
- $typ = "*/*";
- }
- $typ = "*/*" unless $typ;
- print STDERR " - Ordering '$ordercode'... (package=$pkg, type=$typ, orderlist=@orderlist)\n" if $debug;
- $typ =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;
- foreach $entrycode (@entrylist) {
- next if grep(/^\Q$entrycode\E$/,@orderlist);
- print STDERR " - Checking entrycode '$entrycode' against (@{$packages{$pkg}})...\n" if $debug;
- if (grep(/^\Q$entrycode\E$/,@{$packages{$pkg}})) {
- $entry = $entries{$entrycode};
- my($etype) = ($entry =~ m/^(.*?)(;|\s)/);
- print STDERR " - entry found, type=$etype, checking against '$typ'\n" if $debug;
- if ($etype =~ m!^$typ$!) {
- # print STDERR " - matched!\n" if $debug;
- # my($oaction) = ($ordercode =~ m/action=([^\s;]*)/i);
- # my($eaction) = ($entry =~ m/action=([^\s;]*)/i);
- # $eaction="view" unless $eaction;
- # print STDERR " - checking entry action '$eaction' against '$oaction'\n" if $debug;
- # if (!$oaction || $eaction =~ m/^($oaction)$/) {
- push @orderlist,$entrycode;
- print STDERR " - matched! (orderlist=@orderlist)\n" if $debug;
- # }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach $entrycode (@entrylist) {
- next if grep(/^\Q$entrycode\E$/,@orderlist);
- push @orderlist,$entrycode;
- }
- print STDERR "orderlist: @orderlist\n" if $debug;
- return @orderlist;
- }
- #
- # Generate new mailcap file
- #
- sub UpdateMailcap
- {
- my(@entrylist) = @_;
- my(@above,@user,@below,$state,$entrycode);
- $state = 0;
- if (!open(PATH,"<$mailcap")) {
- if (!open(PATH,"<$mailcapdef")) {
- # print STDERR "Warning: could not read '$mailcap' (update stopped) -- $!\n";
- # print STDERR " restore from backup or delete and re-install mime-support package";
- return;
- }
- }
- while (<PATH>) {
- s/install-mime/update-mime/g;
- if ($state == 0) {
- push @above,$_;
- }
- $state=2 if ($state == 1 && /^\# ----- .* Ends /);
- if ($state == 1) {
- push @user,$_;
- }
- $state=1 if ($state == 0 && /^\# ----- .* Begins /);
- if ($state == 2) {
- push @below,$_;
- }
- $state=3 if ($state == 2);
- }
- close PATH;
- if ($state == 3) {
- my $newfile = join('',@above,@user,@below);
- $newfile .= "\n###############################################################################\n\n";
- foreach $entrycode (@entrylist) {
- my $entry = $entries{$entrycode};
- $entry =~ s/\s*priority\s*=\s*\d+\s*($|;)//;
- $entry =~ s/\s*;\s*$//;
- $newfile .= $entry."\n";
- }
- if (!open(PATH,">$mailcap.new")) {
- print STDERR "Error: could not write '$mailcap.new' -- $!\n";
- exit(1) unless ($debug);
- open(PATH,">-");
- }
- print PATH $newfile;
- close PATH;
- if (!open(PATH,"<$mailcap.new")) {
- die "Error: could not read generated '$mailcap.new' -- $!\n";
- }
- my $savfile = "";
- $savfile .= $_ while (<PATH>);
- if ($savfile ne $newfile) {
- die "Error: contents of '$mailcap.new' do not match what was written -- abort\n";
- }
- rename "$mailcap.new","$mailcap";
- } else {
- print STDERR "Error: '$mailcap' is not in required format -- not updated\n";
- print STDERR " Restore from backup or delete and re-install mime-support package";
- }
- }
- ReadEntries();
- ReadOrder();
- @list = OrderEntries();
- UpdateMailcap(@list);